Most drivers now consider having an emergency road service assistance program to be as important as having good vehicle insurance coverage. In some ways it is. So much so in fact that most car insurance companies (at least the bigger ones like State Farm and Presidential) have included top of the line emergency road services as part of their insurance packages. Get this – having an emergency road service from any of these insurance companies can actually lower your monthly insurance premiums! I know this for a fact because that is how I get savings off my insurance premium for my car!
Emergency road services are also offered within most new car warranties and extended warranties. The best emergency road services would obviously come from the larger provider of these car warranties, which by no surprise usually are the most expensive warranties. The good news however is that having emergency road service within your new car warranty means that you didn’t pay anything additional for the road support, and that you don’t – at least until your car warranty is up. Extended auto warranties also provide emergency road service for twenty-four hour coverage of your vehicle, and so too at no extra cost. The draw back with this however is that you do have to pay for your extended warranty service as opposed to your new car warranty.