Auto road service refers to emergency assistance rendered by registered companies and agencies when vehicles are in distress. The agencies provide services like engine repair, mechanical fault identification and replacements, flat tire assistance, fuel and fluid delivery, vehicle towing to the repair workshop, replacement of faulty parts, jump starting, battery trouble and key lock.

All that the vehicle driver has to do is call the hotline of the service provider. Depending on your location, the service provider will reach you within an hour. Most of these service providers deploy their mobile repair vans on highways and motor ways. The minute you make a call on the hotline, it is transmitted to these mobile repair vans.

The companies providing auto road service are often registered in the local county yellow pages. They charge a certain fee to provide this service. Evaluate their performance by cross-checking their credentials before purchasing the service. The service is provided around the clock to vehicle owners.
The auto road service providers are also listed on the Internet. They have their own web sites. Visit these web sites to understand their service profile. The services can often be employed by making a payment (fee) on the Internet. These firms accept payments on the Internet. Choose the best service provider depending on your needs.