From a new car warranty to a used car warranty to even an extended warranty, most likely they have some sort of emergency road service coverage attached to them. This means that once you have warranty coverage, or once you are covered by some sort of auto warranty, that you could automatically qualify for emergency road services.

Some companies or dealers would require that you call them to approve of this additional service while others would automatically include you in their emergency road service coverage programs.  For those who require you to call to verify your approval or acceptance, you may be required to pay an additional fee for the service – whether it is a membership fee, a registration fee, or even a monthly service fee.
Emergency road services are worth any additional costs that you would have to pay for its coverage – even if these are monthly, annually or a once in a lifetime fee.  Even if you never use you emergency road service coverage, it is better to be safe than sorry.  For a small fee that you pay from your pocket every month the assurance and peace of mind of knowing that you have assistance at your fingertips should you ever need a tow or a jump start is very reassuring.