Millions of cars go up and down the runway in perfect order, but some of them meet up with some sort of technical failure and they simply refuse to run. It is a very frustrating experience and very embarrassing too. Do you have the emergency road service numbers with you to call them immediately during one of such situation?
The answer is that many people trust their cars so much that they feel their car will be running in a very good condition for eternity. Its time we equip ourselves with the emergency numbers just in case we need them. After all no one can predict what might happen to us while driving. Just in case the need arise just call the emergency road service number and they will instantly respond to your call.
The emergency road service might send a towing van or some technical person to look into the matter immediately. Who knows even a small nut or screw might have stopped the car. The car mechanic might just correct the problem and allow you to proceed with your journey. Even if it is a serious problem they can tow the vehicle to the garage ensuring you of speedy delivery after repairs.