Have you ever been stuck in stop and gotraffic for hours on end only to find that a stalled vehicle was the cause of all that traffic? What about if you were ever that stalled vehicle? What would you do in such a situation? You couldn’t very well push the vehicle to the nearest service station yourself, and everyone else around you would be too busy giving you angry glares or shouting obscenities at you – and face it, you’re not going to ask any of them to help! Oh, if only you had emergency road service. But you don’t. So what do you do? You could call your brother or your uncle, but what would they be able to do? How would they be off assistance to you? How long would it even take them to get to you? Even worse, they too would be stuck behind you in hours of crawling traffic, unable to get to you in time to offer assistance.
A situation such as that described above may not be as unlikely as it sounds, for even if it is not a total break-down case, it could be one of many other problems – surely at one point or another you will need some sort of emergency road service assistance. Â