Emergency road service is something that all drivers should be very appreciative of. Even the best driver has his bad days, and even the best-maintained car will give in one day. The thing is, no one can foresee such a day short of someone who can see into the future. Unless you are that someone who can see into the future, you too will need assurance for any bad days that you and your car might run into. Emergency road service is the service you will need for coverage should such an occasion arise.
Emergency road services have toll free numbers that you can call twenty four hours, seven days a week for assistance. Of the services offered, you can call for tow trucks in case your case doesn’t start, in which the tow-truck would take you to the nearest auto service station or to an address that you specify. In most instances, you are required to pay a monthly service fee in addition to your registration fee, but all services provided under the emergency road service program are at no additional costs to you.