There are numerous roadside assistance providers that offer plans directly to consumers so that they can protect themselves from an inevitable breakdown and need for road service assistance. Many of the providers claim to be able to get to you in a reasonable amount of time. However, many providers have anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand service vehicles nationwide and sometimes are not able to get you as quickly as they promise or you would like. Even the most well-known national provider only has about 15,000 service vehicles.

There are many factors that determine how long it takes for a service provider to provide you with roadside assistance. There’s weather, traffic, road conditions, time of day, etc. However, if the provider does not have enough service vehicles in a particular area or region of the country they will not be able to get to you in a reasonable amount of time.

Most providers have an average response time of one hour or more. Auto Advantage Inc./ have over 66,000 service vehicles through our partnerships throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico and generally average a response time of about 35-40 minutes. This can make a big difference when you need to get somewhere or are not in a safe location.